Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Rooted


Uprooted my roots at seventeen
Transplanted to Oregon, a college girl
Roots needed fresh soil
Good growing environment

Transplanted to Oregon, a college girl
Making her way on her own
Good growing environment
Discovery abounds

Making her way on her own
Roots take hold, flourishes
Discovery abounds
Spiritual center is here

Roots take hold, flourishes
Doesn’t look back, settles
Spiritual center is here
To the surprise of some

Doesn’t look back, settles
Roots needed fresh soil
To the surprise of some
Uprooted my roots at seventeen

I came to Portland, Oregon to attend college and stayed. In the late years of my parent's life, I discovered how much they thought I would return to California. If you have ever been to Oregon, you might have noticed its spiritual presence. The unpredictablilty of the weather, the flora and fauna all help create its mystical sense.

To read about other's roots, visit Sunday Scribblings.


Regina said...

I have never been to Oregon but I would like to now...
A wonderful poem for today's prompt... it seems you really can put down roots anywhere...

Shelby said...

Yes I've been to Oregon - two times. The third time I may not leave.

It is a truly spiritual place for me - my soul is fed there and I am satisfied.

take care - great post!

gautami tripathy said...

A very good pantoun and great sentiments. Keep posting.

Patois42 said...

I have to say that as I read your post, I felt as if it could be set to music. I can understand your parents believing you'd come "home" to California.

Thanks for visiting my site. As a teacher, can you appreciate this other post of mine? I hope so!

Tammy Brierly said...

You and I have so many similarities! I love Oregon and have been many times. You reminded me to try this form of poetry but my fear is feeding my procrastination :) Loved this Jone!

all over the map said...

You do grow where you are planted. Now you are rooted.
I believe we plant ourselves when we feel it in our souls; when something inside us moves.
Oregon is beautiful.

rel said...

Beautifully crafted and beautiful sentiment as well.
I've never been to Oregon, but it is on my list of places to visit!

We find our own fertile place and put down our roots. We produce seed and the wind will carry them to their place of connection.

I left home at 17 also. My dad used to say: "rel will never come back, he's a man of the world. Jule and Jeff will never leave." (My sibblings.)
I came back, my sister never, and my brother only recently ater 30 years away.
I like the way this form flowed for you, very comfortable read.

Mrs. Spencer said...

lovely poem... but, i must say i was quite pleased when i noticed your "about me" b/c i too am a children's librarian. and it is quite possibly the best job, i agree.


Anonymous said...

I like how you structured your poem. All the lines work so well together.