Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Deepest, Darkest

Maybe it is due to the start of spring break or a deep dark fear or the yummy, rich mac n' cheese from Le Bistro Montage but I cannot think today.

The prompt, "deepest, darkest" makes me want to write a fairy tale but the words must be under a deep, dark spell.

So here's my offering.

Deepest Darkest Fears
**Having anyone touch, come near, or even talk about belly buttons (Okay, weird, I know, but my mother the nurse, made sure our BB's were squeaky clean).
**The dentist
**Tattoo needles (no tattoos for me)

Deepest, Darkest Decadent Treats
**Bittersweet chocolate (I treat myself to a small piece of either Rapunzel or Dagoba bittersweet chocolate every day)
**French pressed Ethiopian Harrar coffee (or any quality coffee, Stumptown, for example)
**Creamy tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches (sensitivity to diary makes me limit my helpings)
**Allowing myself a day to be lazy and do nothing.

To read more about "deepest, darkest, visit here.


Steve Isham said...

Ah yes, food, the real secret for most of us I suspect. I do the dark choc. too. Doctor's orders. :-)

Beaman said...

The dentist. I agree!!!!!!! x100.

Regina said...

Oh, I agree witth the silverfish- was always freaked one of them would crawl in my ear! Yikes! I'll have nightmares now!

Tammy Brierly said...

For a dark spell this week brought out a light side of Jone. :) Don't even think about the "D" word! xxoo

Patry Francis said...

So happy to hear that it's not only fears that come in the "deepest, darkest" variety, but treats too. And I love yours!

Annie Jeffries said...

I have to agree, silverfish creep me out. I suppose that is a step up though from roaches which are just plain revolting.

Dentists - don't mind. At least I better not considering all the work I'm having done.

Tattoos - My daughter has three. "nuff said"

Belly Buttons - I've never thought about it. Hummmm, I better go check it out.

Anonymous said...

My life has become so much more joyful since I started having a piece of high quality dark chocolate daily. This is no exaggeration!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I liek the contrast of the two lists.

Patois42 said...

I'll take lazy anytime. Truly decadent.

rel said...

the weekly prompts can take us down divergent paths before we know it.;-)
I share your decadent daliances.

Anonymous said...

Needles creep me out! I'd rather have bugs.

Chocolate I agree. :)

gautami tripathy said...

I identify with the lazy state. Any time..:D

JP (mom) said...

Excellent take on the prompt ... especially love the second list! JP

Kay Cooke said...

Hey I'm with you on just about every one of those ... belly buttons included. I was also very squeamish about touching the outline of my babies when they were in the womb. The doctor would say, "Put your hand there and you'll feel the baby's heel," or whatever, and I'd comply - but very quickly, as it would give me the shivers. I am such a wuss as far as bodies go! Well as far as mine goes anyway ...

Anonymous said...

i liked your two different ways of looking at deepest and darkest. And you have made me look at silverfish differently...i find them quite sweet. I now realise that I am ceremonially weird!!

Rethabile said...

Tattoos aren't my thing, either.