The prompt for this week is "inspiration". Sunday Scribblings is almost a year old. Happy Blogiversary!!
Inspiration comes
Whispers songs in your ear
Follow the breadcrumbs
Been thinking about this prompt for a couple of days. The above haiku came to me as I was driving this morning. Driving, for me, is a place where ideas and thoughts come. Yes, I have mastered the art of scribbling the thought on any scrap of paper nearby.
William Stafford said, “write every day.” He made it his practice to awake daily at 4 AM to write. Finally after years of reading about daily practice and talking about daily practice, I am edging closer to daily practice (am writing more than I have in years).
Morning ritual
Cup of coffee, computer
Haiku word play starts
Another source of inspiration is my photography. I record the seasons and am apt to pull over quickly to take a photo (I bet you are glad you don’t live in Oregon with a crazy person like me pulling over quickly for photos and writing things down while driving).
I hate staring at blank paper or a blank screen. There are days like that. That’s why being a part of a virtual writing community provides inspiration. I look forward to the writing prompts from three fabulous sources: Sunday Scribblings, One Deep Breath, and Poetry Thursday.
Prompt, take or leave it
Sit at the writing table
Inspiration comes
Read more inspiring thoughts here.
We are so alike it's getting freaky :) I LOVE your haiku & photography. YOU inspire me but watch the road. lol
"Follow the breadcrumbs"- I really like that, Jone.
I would imagine Oregon would be super inspiring- that picture is just lovely!
I really like the way you've woven your haiku into your post. And I get ideas when I'm driving too! It can be dangerous ;)
Beautiful photographs as well!
liked the post :)
Wonderful poetry and thoughts! And, I love the photo at the end, it's like the beginning of a mystical journey. Much peace, JP
Beautiful haiku. Great picture.
Today I was waiting in a govt office for some work to be done and suddenly had a itch to write and wrote a poem. Inspiration can come at any place.
Your haiku are lovely. They remind me to breathe and take life in small chunks. They are also good ways to start the inspiration flowing... instead of staring at that blank page.
I especially like "Sit at the writing table/ Inspiration comes."
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