Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Quiet gray morning
Hummingbird sips sweet nectar
Toasting the new year

Joyous year ending
Pondering which feeder next
Raindrops grow larger

Wishing all who visit a joyous and prosperous new year. For more haiku about the new year visit One Deep Breath.


Roswila said...

Hope this isn't a duplicate, but my first try didn't seem to take....

That first one is marvelous. And such sweet bird photos. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful beginning - hummingbirds toasting the new year!

Shelley said...

Given that hummingbirds have an uncannily keen sense of time, these seem particularly apt.

I really enjoyed these; thank you.

Becca said...

These are just splendid! I love the idea of the hummingbird having his own private little toast to the New Year!

Very well done :)

jennifer black said...

Hummingbirds in January? I am so jealous...

Great haiku, wonderful start to the day.


get zapped said...

Very positive take. The last none made me smile ; )

Anonymous said...

Great shots of the hummers. We only see them a few short summer months. I enjoyed your haiku. Happy New Year!

Tammy Brierly said...

These both made me smile as I visualized them toasting. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I love these poems: very quiet and positive. Thank you for your kind wishes and a happy new year to you also.