Monday, February 26, 2007

Morning Ritual

Morning Ritual

Father’s morning ritual
Coffee, cigarettes, newspaper
Crossword puzzle, word scramble
Letters from a scrabble game
Arranged and re-arranged until
The scrambled word appears
Occasional phone call
Four states away
“What’s a five letter word for…?”
most of the time I had no answer
Whole mornings consumed
Puzzles solved

I was inspired by Regina's post about her mother and puzzles. Want more on puzzles? Click here.


Anonymous said...

I love your poem, the feelings and comfort it brings. I can never do word puzzles, I don't know why.

gautami tripathy said...

I liked this. I could see your father doing that.

I can solve mathematics puzzles.

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I appreciate it. Do keep coming.

Tammy Brierly said...

There is such comfort in our loved one's rituals. This was a cozy, heartwarming poem Jone. Wonderful piece as always :)

Mary J. said...

Wonderful poem. Paints a great character, with just enough words, and emphasis.