Sunday, December 03, 2006

In the Last Hour

In the last hour
family gathers around the table
Two parents
Two daughters
Two son-in-laws
Two granddaughters
Aromas of yeasty rolls, garnet yams,
and broccoli linger
talking, laughter fill the room
I poise my camera
"Gamma, say cheese" says the two year old
in plain sight down the hall
An hour of love

For more on "In the Last Hour, click here.


Unknown said...

What are garnet yams. Sounds like your "last hour" was very warm and connected.

Mary said...

I can picture that lovely evening. Few words told a great story. You write so well...

JP (mom) said...

What a warm, wonderful, and joyous hour of love ... I can almost smell those yeasty rolls!! much peace, JP

Rethabile said...

Cool, but warm, if you know what I mean...