Monday, November 06, 2006

Weather Haibun

"If a haiku is an insight into a moment of experience, a haibun is the story or narrative of how one came to have that experience." -Bruce Ross
This is the prompt from One Deep Breath this week. My first in trying this type of haiku and that's what I like about the weekly experience.


November doesn't march in like a lion, that's reserved for another month. But November arrived in full gale; winds, rain, the sputtering remains of a typhoon. Weather did not to dampen my plans for the weekend.

Northwest hills in view
Brisk walkers escaping wet
Enter the bead show

Cloud blanket comforts
Trees weeping for the fallen
leaving skeletons


Crafty Green Poet said...

Very seasonal haibun. I love the imagery in your second haiku!

LauraHinNJ said...

Oh this is nice!

Catherine said...

Your November sounds very similar to ours at the moment, two seasons apart! (Though being spring here, we don't have fallen leaves). A lovely piece

Anonymous said...

I was born in Salem, and have lived there for a while as an adult. Beautiful state.
Love the image of trees weeping for the fallen.
Have a nice weekend!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Nice job painting a picture here!